Risk Assessment and Management Plans
The objective of asbestos management is to ensure that no one comes to any harm from asbestos whilst on your premises. This includes employees, visitors such as contractors and the general public.
An asbestos survey is a useful starting point in the process of asbestos management but the legislation requires much more.
The risks from asbestos materials must be assessed and the HSE has developed an algorithm (numerical scoring system) which can help. This is usually a two part process – a Material Assessment and a Priority Assessment. SB Asbestos Management Ltd is experienced in this process and can adapt the algorithm to your specific circumstances.
Subsequently, an Asbestos Management Plan must be written which documents procedures and responsibilities.
Should a decision be taken to retain asbestos (which is often the preferred option) then regular condition monitoring will also be necessary. The asbestos management system will also require a periodic audit to confirm correct operation.
SB Asbestos Management Ltd provides a comprehensive service to assist dutyholders with these onerous and sometimes complex responsibilities.